Welcome to the E-magazine that provides a glimpse of the great life in the University College of Engineering Nagercoil, Kanyakumari district. This E-magazine is a microcosm of our life in the campus

Our main goals are to inform the readers about everything including the stories and events that took place in our campus in the acadamic year 2022 and to exhibit the various skills of our students. Our editorial team has worked day and night to bring out this E-magazine. I hope this E-magazine will fulfill your expectations and provides you a memorable reading experience.

We tried our best to ensure that the magazine is wholesome. This is not our first issue of annual E-magazine and surely this will not be our last issue of annual E-magazine. You all can expect updates in the look, features and contents of this E-magazine in the future. I am much happier to be involved in this work and wishing you all have a great future.


Dept. of Science & Humanities