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University College of Engineering Nagercoil is situated in the heart of Nagercoil city, located in the southern-most tip of Tamil Nadu and India. It's a constituent college of Anna University, Chennai and funded by Tamil Nadu State Government. The institution was established in the year 2009 with a goal of catering to the needs for deserving engineering students by providing quality technical education.

The institution offers under graduate engineering programmes in Civil, CSE, ECE, EEE, IT and Mechanical besides MBA through distance education mode. Research programmes leading to doctoral degree are also offered in the above mentioned departments and also in Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and English.


To be the best at serving society by promoting the institution as a center of excellence in technical education and research.


To impart sound engineering knowledge, skills and moral values needed for highly challenging dynamic and global careers.

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Explore our Facilities



The UCEN has a library of area 400 Sq.m. Many services like Reference, Circulation, CD-ROM Databases, Internet Browsing and e-services ...



We provide good residential facilities with hygienic environment. We have Wifi facility with Hi-speed internet access. The students can relax..

Health Center

Health Center

The health centre provides quality health care in a comfortable and confidential environment. It is manned by a Government doctors...

Students Akshaya Canteen

Students Akshaya Canteen

The college canteen inside the campus to cater quality food and soft beverages for the students and staff from 8.30 a.m. To 4.40 p.m. on all working days...

Student Stationary Store

Student Stationary Store

The student/staff can purchase the needed items form the store by making use of their store purchase card only. The amount for the purchased items will be ...



Our College has inaugurated our UCEN Sports Club on 5th February 2014. Sports are indispensable in maintaining good health. Sports club ...

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